Publications: international journals
102. Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness for Health Service Planning. Mactaggart I, Wallace S, Ramke J, Burton M, Bastawrous A, Limburg H, Qureshi MB, Foster A, Kuper H. Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:726-728; http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.217794 101. Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness-Past, Present, and Future. Kocur I, Limburg H, Resnikoff S. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2018 Sep 12. doi: 10.22608/APO.2018345. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. 100. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in North Africa and Middle East in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projections. Kahloun R, Khairallah M, Resnikoff S, Cicinelli MV, Flaxman SR, Das A, Jonas JB, Keeffe JE, Kempen JH, Leasher J, Limburg H, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Silvester AJ, Tahhan N, Taylor HR, Wong TY, Bourne RRA. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep 12. pii: bjophthalmol-2018-312068. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312068. [Epub ahead of print] 99. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projections. Leasher JL, Braithwaite T, Furtado JM, Flaxman SR, Lansingh VC, Silva JC, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RRA; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep 12. pii: bjophthalmol-2017-311746. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311746. [Epub ahead of print] 98. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in South-east Asia and Oceania in 2015: magnitude, temporal trends and projections. Keeffe JE, Casson RJ, Pesudovs K, Taylor HR, Cicinelli MV, Das A, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Kempen JH, Leasher J, Limburg H, Naidoo K, Silvester AJ, Stevens GA, Tahhan N, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Bourne RRA. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep 12. pii: bjophthalmol-2018-311946. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-311946. [Epub ahead of print] 97. Lopez-Ramos A, Gomez-Bastar PA, Lansingh VC, Rodriguez-Gomez JA, Vargas-Fragoso V, Soria-Arellano FA, Silva-Camacho SH, Castillo-Velazquez J, Zepeda-Romero LC, Limburg H. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness: Prevalence of blindness, visual impairment and diabetes in Nuevo Leon, Mexico 2014. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2018 Aug 6:1-7. doi: 10.1080/09286586.2018.1501498. [Epub ahead of print] 96. Chew FLM, Salowi MA, Mustari Z, Husni MA, Hussein E, Adnan TH, Ngah NF, Limburg H, Goh PP. Estimates of visual impairment and its causes from the National Eye Survey in Malaysia (NESII). PLoS One. 2018 Jun 26;13(6):e0198799. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0198799. eCollection 2018. 95. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Papua New Guinea: a nationwide survey. Lee L, D'Esposito F, Garap J, Wabulembo G, Koim SP, Keys D, Cama AT, Limburg H, Burnett A. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 May 23. 94. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness and diabetic retinopathy in people aged 50 years and older in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea. Burnett A, Lee L, D'Esposito F, Wabulembo G, Cama A, Guldan G, Nelisse M, Koim SP, Keys D, Poffley AJ, Limburg H, Garap J. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Jul 4. pii: bjophthalmol-2017-311803. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311803. [Epub ahead of print] 93. Prevalence and Causes of Vision Loss in High-Income Countries and in Eastern and Central Europe in 2015: Magnitude, Temporal Trends and Projections. Bourne RRA, Jonas BJ, Bron AM, Cicinelli MV, Das A, Flaxman SR, Friedman DS, Keeffe J, Kempen JH, Leasher J, Limburg H, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Peto T, Saadine J, Silvester AJ, Tahhan N, Taylor H, Varma R, Wong TY, Resnikoff S. British Journal of Opthalmology, 2018 online. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311258. 92. Cataract Indicators: Their Development and Use over the Last 30 Years. Limburg H, Ramke J. Community Eye Health 30, no. 100 (2017): 82-84. 91. Feasibility of the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness with Diabetic Retinopathy Module (RAAB+DR) in Industrialised Countries: Challenges and Lessons Learned in Hungary. Németh J, Szabó D, Tóth G, Sándor G, Lukács R, Pék A, Szalai I, Papp A, Resnikoff S, Limburg H. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 12 February 2018, 1-7. 90. Prevalence and Causes of Blindness, Visual Impairment, and Cataract Surgery in Timor-Leste. Correia M, Das T, Magno J, Pereira BM, Andrade V, Limburg H, Trevelyan J, Keeffe J, Verma N, and Sapkota YD. Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.) 11 (2017): 2125-31. 89. First Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness Survey in the Maldives: Prevalence and Causes of Blindness and Cataract Surgery. Thoufeeq U, Das T, Limburg H, Maitra M, Panda L, Sil A, Trevelyan J, Sapkota YD. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology 6, no. 6 (2017). 88. Global Causes of Blindness and Distance Vision Impairment 1990-2020: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Flaxman SR, Bourne RRA, Resnikoff S, Ackland P, Braithwaite T, Cicinelli MV, Das A, Jona JB, Keeffe J, Kempen JH, Leasher J, Limburg H, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Silvester A, Stevens GA, Tahhan N, Wong TY, Taylor H. The Lancet Global Health 5, no. 12 (1 December 2017): e1221-34 87. Avoidable Waste in Ophthalmic Epidemiology: A Review of Blindness Prevalence Surveys in Low and Middle Income Countries 2000-2014. Ramke J, Kuper H, Limburg H, Kinloch J, Zhu W, Lansingh VC, Congdon N, Foster A, Gilbert CE. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 25, no. 1 (February 2018): 13-20 86. Visual Impairment and Blindness in Hungary. Szabó D, Sándor GL, Tóth G, Pék A, Lukács R, Szalai I, Tóth GZ, Papp A, Nagy ZZ, Limburg H. Acta Ophthalmologica 96, no. 2 (March 2018): 168-73. 84.Magnitude, Temporal Trends, and Projections of the Global Prevalence of Blindness and Distance and near Vision Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Bourne RRA, Flaxman SR, Braithwaite T, Cicinelli MV, Das A, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Kempen JH, Leasher J, Limburg H, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Resnikoff S, Silvester A, Stevens GA, Tahhan N, Wong TY, Taylor H. The Lancet. Global Health 5, no. 9 (September 2017): e888-97. 83. [Regional disparities in the prevalence of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy in Hungary in people aged 50 years and older]. Tóth G, Szabó D, Sándor GL, Pék A, Szalai I, Lukács R, Tóth GZ, Papp A, Nagy ZZ, Limburg H, Németh J. Orv Hetil. 2017 Mar;158(10):362-367. Hungarian. 82. Effective cataract surgical coverage: An indicator for measuring quality-of-care in the context of Universal Health Coverage. Ramke J, Gilbert CE, Lee AC, Ackland P, Limburg H, Foster A. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 1;12(3): 81. The cataract situation in Suriname: an effective intervention programme to increase the cataract surgical rate in a developing country. Pawiroredjo JC, Minderhoud J, Mans DR, Themen HC, Bueno de Mesquita-Voigt AT, Siban MR, Forster-Pawiroredjo CM, Moll AC, van Nispen RM, Limburg H. Br J Ophthalmol. 2017 Feb;101(2):89-93 80. Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy in people aged 50 years and older in Hungary. Tóth G, Szabó D, Sándor GL, Szalai I, Lukács R, Pék A, Tóth GZ, Papp A, Nagy ZZ, Limburg H, Németh J. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016 Oct 28 79. Number of People Blind or Visually Impaired by Cataract Worldwide and in World Regions, 1990 to 2010. Khairallah M, Kahloun R, Bourne R, Limburg H, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Oct;56(11):6762-9. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-17201. 78. Transforming research results into useful tools for global health: BOOST. Congdon N, Suburaman GB, Ravilla T, Varga B, Resnikoff S, McLeod J, Taylor H, Limburg H, Lansingh V, Schmidt E, LeMesurier R. Lancet Glob Health. 2016 Feb;4(2) 77. Global Vision Impairment and Blindness Due to Uncorrected Refractive Error, 1990-2010. Naidoo KS, Leasher J, Bourne RR, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Limburg H, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Taylor HR, Resnikoff S; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Mar;93(3):227-34. 76. Blindness and Visual Impairment in the Republic of Suriname. Minderhoud J, Pawiroredjo JC, Themen HC, Bueno de Mesquita-Voigt AM, Siban MR, Forster-Pawiroredjo CM, Limburg H, van Nispen RM, Mans DR, Moll AC. Ophthalmol. 2015;122:2147-9 75. Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy in People Aged 50 Years and Older in the Republic of Suriname. Minderhoud J, Pawiroredjo JC, Bueno de Mesquita-Voigt AMT, Themen HC, Siban MR, Forster-Pawiroredjo CM, Limburg H, Van Nispen RM, Mans DR, Moll AC. Br J Ophthalmo, 2015. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2015-307177. 74. Number of People Blind or Visually Impaired by Cataract Worldwide and in World Regions, 1990 to 2010.Moncef K, Kahloun R, Bourne R, Limburg H, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, et al. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56, 2015;11: 6762-69. 73. Functional low vision in adults from Latin America: findings from population-based surveys in 15 countries. Limburg H, Espinoza R, Lansingh VC, Silva JC. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2015;37:371-8 72. A comparative assessment of avoidable blindness and visual impairment in seven Latin American countries: prevalence, coverage, and inequality. Silva JC, Mújica OJ, Vega E, Barcelo A, Lansingh VC, McLeod J, Limburg H. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2015;37:13-20 71 Encuesta rápida de ceguera evitable en Argentina: resultados de una encuesta nacional. Barrenechea R, de La Fuente I, Plaza RG, Flores N, Segovia L, Villagomez Z, et al. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2015;37(1):00 -00 70. Encuesta de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitable en Panamá. López M, Brea I, Yee R, Yi R, Carles V, Broce A, Limburg H, Silva JC. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;36(6):355-60 69. Encuesta nacional de ceguera y deficiencia visual evitables en Honduras. Alvarado D, Rivera B, Lagos L, Ochoa M, Starkman I, Castillo M, Flores E, Lansingh VC, Limburg H, Silva JC. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;36(5):300-5 68. Prevalencia y causas de ceguera en Perú: encuesta nacional. Campos B, Cerrate A, Montjoy E, Dulanto Gomero V, Gonzalez C, Tecse A, Pariamachi A, Lansingh VC, Reinoso VD, Barba JM, Silva JM, Limburg H. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;36(5):283-9 67. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Uruguay: results of a nationwide survey. Gallarreta M, Furtado JM, Lansingh VC, Silva JC, Limburg H. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;36(4):219-24 66. Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study.Prevalence and causes of vision loss in East Asia: 1990-2010. Wong TY, Zheng Y, Jonas JB, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:599-604 65. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Central and South Asia: 1990-2010. Jonas JB, George R, Asokan R, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Vijaya L, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:592-8 64. Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Southeast Asia and Oceania: 1990-2010. Keeffe J, Taylor HR, Fotis K, Pesudovs K, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Bourne RR; Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:586-91 63. Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in high-income countries and in Eastern and Central Europe: 1990-2010. Bourne RR, Jonas JB, Flaxman SR, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Parodi MB, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR; Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:629-38 62. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Latin America and the Caribbean: 1990-2010. Leasher JL, Lansingh V, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, Silva JC, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:619-28 61. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in sub-Saharan Africa: 1990-2010. Naidoo K, Gichuhi S, Basáñez MG, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher JL, Pesudovs K, Price H, Smith JL, Turner HC, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:612-8 60. Prevalence and causes of vision loss in North Africa and the Middle East: 1990-2010. Khairallah M, Kahloun R, Flaxman SR, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Price H, White RA, Wong TY, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR, Bourne RR; Vision Loss Expert Group. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014;98:605-11 59. Onnodige slechtziendheid onder ouderen in zorginstellingen: lessen uit een interventieproject in de regio Den Bosch. Limburg JJ, Smith ET, Van der Horst FG, Gruntjes RAGJM, Verstraten PFJ, Bartels JAMJ, Van Langen JMP. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 2014;45:226-235 58. Causes of vision loss worldwide, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis. Bourne RR, Stevens GA, White RA, Smith JL, Flaxman SR, Price H, Jonas JB, Keeffe J, Leasher J, Naidoo K, Pesudovs K, Resnikoff S, Taylor HR; Vision Loss Expert Group. Lancet Glob Health. 2013;1:339-49 57. Approaching full cost recovery: the IAM NOOR eye care programme. Community Eye Health.Diaz M, Limburg H. 2013;26(83):s2 56. Review of blindness and visual impairment in Paraguay: changes between 1999 and 2011. Duerksen R, Limburg H, Lansingh VC, Silva JC. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013;20(5):301-7 55. Cataract Surgical Outcomes from a Large-scale Micro-surgical Campaign in China. Xiao B, Guan C, He Y, Le Mesurier R, Müller A, Limburg H, Iezzi B. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013;20(5):288-93 54. New systematic review methodology for visual impairment and blindness for the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study. Bourne R, Price H, Taylor H, Leasher J, Keeffe J, Glanville J, Sieving PC, Khairallah M, Wong TY, Zheng Y, Mathew A, Katiyar S, Mascarenhas M, Stevens GA, Resnikoff S, Gichuhi S, Naidoo K, Wallace D, Kymes S, Peters C, Pesudovs K, Braithwaite T, Limburg H; Global Burden of Disease Vision Loss Expert Group. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013;20(1):33-9 53. Variation in cataract surgery needs in Latin America. Lewallen S, Perez-Straziota C, Lansingh V, Limburg H, Silva JC. Arch Ophthalmol. 2012;130(12):1575-8 52. Global burden of visual impairment and blindness. Bourne R, Price H, Stevens G; GBD Vision Loss Expert Group. Arch Ophthalmol. 2012;130(5):645-7 51. Prevalence and Causes of Blindness in Children in Vietnam. Limburg H, Gilbert C, Hon DN, Dung NC, Hoang TH. Ophthalmology. 2012;119(2):355-61 50. Do gender inequities exist in cataract surgical coverage? Meta-analysis in Latin America. Carter MJ, Limburg H, Lansingh VC, Silva JC, Resnikoff S. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2012:40(5):458-66 49. Toename in de vraag naar oogzorg in Nederland 2010-2020. JEE Keunen, CA Verezen, SM Imhof, GHMB van Rens, MB Asselbergs, JJ Limburg. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2011;155:A3461 48. Changes in causes of low vision between 1988 and 2009 in a Dutch population of children. Boonstra N, Limburg H, Tijmes N, van Genderen M, Schuil J, van Nispen R. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012;90(3):277-86 47. Results of a rapid assessment of avoidable blindness (RAAB) in Eritrea. Müller A, Zerom M, Limburg H, Ghebrat Y, Meresie G, Fessahazion K, Beyene K, Mathenge W, Mebrahtu G. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2011;18(3):103-8. 46. Een simpele oogtest voor slechtziende ouderen in zorginstellingen. JEE Keunen, M Snouck Hurgronje - van de Ruit, MGM Olde Rikkert, GHMB van Rens, JJ Limburg. Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde 2011;02:55-62 45. Quality assurance in trichiasis surgery: a methodology. Buchan JC, Limburg H, Burton MJ. Br J Ophthalmol. 2011;95(3):331-4. 44. Monitoring and modernization to improve visual outcomes of cataract surgery in a community eyecare center in western India. Gogate P, Vakil V, Khandekar R, Deshpande M, Limburg H. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37(2):328-34.
43. Rapid Asssessment of Avoidable Blindness in 3 Counties, Jiangxi Province, China. Xiao B, Kuper H, Guan C, Bailey C, Limburg H. Br. J. Ophthalmol. 2010;94(11)1437-42
42. Blindness and low vision in The Netherlands from 2000 to 2020 - modeling as a tool for focused intervention. Limburg H, Keunen JEE. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2009;16(6):362-369
41. Visuele beperkingen bij ouderen in Nederland - risicogroepen en mogelijkheden tot interventie. Limburg H, Keunen JEE, van Rens G. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie. 2009;(40):149-156
40. Cataract in Latin America: findings from nine recent surveys. Limburg H, Silva JC, Foster A. Rev Panam Salud Publica, 2009;25(5):449-55
39. Cataract remains an important cause of blindness in Campinas, Brazil. Arieta CE, de Oliveira DF, Lupinacci AP, Novaes P, Paccola M, Jose NK, Limburg H. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2009;16(1):58-63
38. Cost-effectiveness of screening and correcting refractive errors in school children in Africa, Asia, America and Europe. Baltussen R, Naus J, Limburg H. Health Policy. 2009;89(2):201-15.
37. Review of recent surveys on blindness and visual impairment in Latin America. Limburg H, Barria von-Bischhoffshausen F, Gomez P, Silva JC, Foster A. Br. J. Ophthalmol. 2008;92;315-319
36. Análisis de las barreras, cobertura y resultados postoperatorios de cirugía de catarata determinados mediante encuesta rápida de ceguera evitable en la VIII región, Chile. Barría von-B. F, Silva JC, Limburg H, Muñoz RD, Castillo DEL, Martínez RL, Salinas AE, Vegas IF, Werner SM, Riquelme LA, Troncoso M. Arch. Chil. Oftal. 2007;64:79-87
35. Análisis de la prevalencia de ceguera y sus causas, determinados mediante encuesta rápida de ceguera evitable (RAAB)en la VIII región, Chile. Barría von-B. F, Silva JC, Limburg H, Muñoz RD, Castillo DEL, Martínez RL, Salinas AE, Vegas IF, Werner SM, Riquelme LA, Troncoso M. Arch. Chil. Oftal. 2007;64:69-77
34. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Negros Island and Antique District, Philippines. Eusebio C, Kuper H, Polack S, Enconado J, Tongson N, Dionio D, Dumdum A, Limburg H, Foster A. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91(12):1588-92
33. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Western Rwanda: blindness in a postconflict setting. Mathenge W, Nkurikiye J, Limburg H, Kuper H. PLoS Med. 2007;4(7):e217
32. Rapid assessment of cataract at pension pay points in South Africa. Cook C, Kluever H, Mabena L, Limburg H. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007;91(7):867-8
31. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness. Kuper H, Polack S, Limburg H. Community Eye Health J. 2006;19(60):68-9
30. Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness and Needs Assessment of Ophthalmic Services in Satkhira District, Bangladesh. Wadud Z, Kuper H, Polack H, Lindfield R, Rashid M, Chowdhury AK, Lindfield T, Limburg H, Foster A. Br J Ophthalmol. 2006;90(10):1225-9
29. Cataract blindness in four regions in Guatemala: results of a population-based survey. Beltranena F, Casasola K, Silva JC, Limburg H. Ophthalmology. 2007;114(8):1558-1563
28. Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in Nakuru District, Kenya. Mathenge W, Kuper H, Limburg H, Polack S, Onyango O, Nyaga G, Foster A. Ophthalmology. 2007;114(3):599-605
27. Rapid assessment of visual impairment due to cataract and cataract surgical services in urban Argentina. Nano ME, Nano HD, Mugica JM, Silva JC, Montana G, Limburg H. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2006;13:191-197
26. Ceguera por catarata en personas mayores de 50 años en una zona semirrural del norte del Perú. [Cataract blindness in people 50 years old or older in a semirural area of northern Peru]. Pongo Águila L, Carrión R, Luna W, Silva JC, Limburg H. Pan Am J Public Health. 2005,17:387-393
25. Using lot quality-assurance sampling and area sampling to identify priority areas for trachoma control: Vietnam. Myatt M, Nquyen Phuong Mai, Nguyen Quang Quynh, Nguyen Huy Nga, Ha Huy Tai, Nguyen Hung Long, Tran Hung Minh, Limburg H. Bull World Health Organ 2005;83:756-763
24. Vermijdbare slechtziendheid in Nederland. Het project VISION 2020 Netherlands van de WHO. [Avoidable visual impairment in The Netherlands: the project "Vision 2020 Netherlands" of the World Health Organization]. Limburg H, den Boon JM, Hogeweg M, Gevers RJT, Ten Hove GTh, Keunen JEE. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005;149:577-82
23. Routine monitoring of visual outcome of cataract surgery. Part 2: results from eight study centres. Limburg H, Foster A, Gilbert C, Johnson GJ, Kyndt M, Myatt M. Br. J Ophthalmol. 2005;89:50-52
22. Routine monitoring of visual outcome of cataract surgery. Part 1: development of an instrument. Limburg H, Foster A, Gilbert C, Johnson GJ, Kyndt M. Br J Ophthalmol. 2005;89:45-49
21. Cataract. Yorston D, Limburg H. Tropical Doctor 2003;33:204-207
20. Cataract blindness in Paraguay--results of a national survey. Duerksen R, Limburg H, Carron JE, Foster A. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2003;10:349-57.
19. Field trial of applicability of lot quality assurance sampling survey method for rapid assessment of prevalence of active trachoma. Myatt M, Limburg H, Minassian D, Kathyola D. Bull World Health Organ. 2003;81:877-885
18. Cataract blindness in Chakwal District, Pakistan: Results of a survey. Haider S, Hussain A, Limburg H. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2003;10:249-258
17. Monitoring Cataract Surgical Outcomes: Methods and Tools. Limburg H. Community Eye Health. 2002;44:51-53
16. Cataract blindness in Turkmenistan, results of a national survey. Amansakhatov S, Volokhovskaya ZP, Afanasyefa AN, Limburg H. Br J Ophthalmol 2002;86:1207-1210
15. Trial of the trachoma rapid assessment methodology in The Gambia. Limburg H, Bah M, Johnson GJ. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2001,8:73-85
14. What do we mean by cataract outcomes? Limburg H, Dandona L. Community Eye Health Journal, 2000;35:35-36
13. Results of school eye screening of 5.4 million children in India. Limburg H, Kansara HT, D'Souza S. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 1999;77:310-314
12. Changing trends in barriers to cataract surgery in India. Vaidyanathan K, Limburg H, Foster A Pandey RM. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77:104-109
11. Rapid Assessment of cataract blindness in an urban district of Gujarat. Limburg H, Vasavada A, Muzumdar G, Khan MY, Vaidyanathan K, et.al. Indian J Ophthalmol. 1999;47:135-141
10. Monitoring visual outcome of cataract surgery in India. Limburg H, Foster H, Vaidyanathan K, Murthy GV. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77:455-460
9. Cataract surgical coverage - an indicator to measure impact of cataract intervention programmes. Limburg H, Foster H. Community Eye Health Journal. 1998;25:3-6
8. Follow-up study of blindness attributed to cataract in Karnataka State, India - results of district level rapid assessments. Limburg H, Kumar R. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 1998;5:211-223
7. The Danish assistance to the National Programme for Control of Blindness in India (DANPCB) - from Pilot Project to National Policy. Limburg H. Oftalmolog, 1997;17(3):6-10
6. Rapid assessment of prevalence of cataract blindness at district level. Limburg H, Kumar R, Indrayan A, Sundaram KR. Int J Epidemiol. 1997;26:1049-1054
5. Monitoring and evaluating cataract intervention in India. Limburg H, Kumar R, Bachani D. Br J Ophthalmol. 1996;80:951-955
4. Cataract blindness on the rise? Results of a door-to-door examination in Mohadi. Limburg H, Vaidyanathan K, Pampattiwar KN. Indian J Ophthalmol. 1996;44:241-244
3. Experience in Pilot Project in Purnea District. Limburg H, Pathak YN. Indian J Ophthalmol. 1996;44:117-121
2. Forecasting cataract blindness - and planning to combat it. Limburg H, Kumar R, Bachani D. World Health Forum. 1996;17:15-20
1. Cost-effective screening of schoolchildren for refractive errors. Limburg H, Vaidyanathan K, Dalal HP. World Health Forum. 1995;16:173-178
Publications: books and reports
18. National Survey on Avoidable Blindness, Viet Nam, 2015. Medical Services Administration, Viet Nam Ministry of Health, Viet Nam National Institute of Ophthalmology, Limburg H, Hanoi, 2015.
17. The Epidemiology of Blindness in Nepal (2012). Limburg H, Sapkota YD. Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh, Kathmandu, 2012.
16. From epidemiology to programme. Lindfield R, Limburg H, Foster A. In 'The Epidemiology of Eye Disease'. Edited by G Johnson, D Minassian, R Weale, S West. Publishers: Imperial College Press 2012, third edition.
15. Global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness. Lindfield R, Kocur I, Limburg H, Foster A. In 'The Epidemiology of Eye Disease'. Edited by G Johnson, D Minassian, R Weale, S West. Publishers: Imperial College Press 2012, third edition.
14. Results of Rapid Assessment for Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) in 16 provinces of Viet Nam. Limburg H. Viet Nam National Institute of Ophthalmology, Hanoi June 2008.
13. Oorzaken toename geïndiceerde leerlingen cluster 1: Onderzochte hypothesen [Causes of the increase in visually impaired pupils requiring special education: test of hypotheses]. Breetvelt I, Limburg H, van Genderen M, Boonstra F, Peetsma T. Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Postbus 94208, 1090 GE Amsterdam Tel.: 020-525 1226; 2010.
12. Epidemiologie van visuele beperkingen en een demografische verkenning. [Epidemiology of visual impairment in The Netherlands] Limburg H. Report on behalf of ZonMw / InZicht (The Netherlands organisation for health research and development), 2007.
11. Vermijdbare blindheid en slechtziendheid in Nederland. [Avoidable blindness and visual impairment in The Netherlands]. Limburg H. Report. VISION 2020 Netherlands, Nijmegen 2005.
10. The Evaluation of Cataract Programs. Limburg H, Schein OD. In 'The Epidemiology of Eye Disease'. Edited by G Johnson, D Minassian, R Weale, S West. Publishers: Arnold 2003, second edition.
9. Monitoring Cataract Surgical Outcome. Software package and manual. Limburg H, Meester W, Parsley S, 2004; ICEH, LSHTM, CBM, SSI
8. Developing an Action Plan, VISION 2020 CD-ROM version two, Limburg H, Parsley S. 2003; WHO / IAPB, Geneva. ISBN 92 4 156279 X
7. Rapid Assessment of Cataract Surgical Services. Manual and software package. Limburg H. WHO, Geneva. WHO/PBL/01.84
6. Monitoring and evaluation of intervention programmes for cataract and for refractive errors in India. Limburg H. ISBN 90 393 1786 0, University of Utrecht, 1999. PhD thesis
5. Rapid Assessment of Cataract Blindness, Karnataka. Report on survey design, methodology and results, DANPCB, New Delhi, 1997
4. Course material for training in district programme management, (revised 1996) National Programme for Control of Blindness, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
3. Management Information Systems and Data Collection Techniques for Blindness in India. Limburg H In: Ocular Epidemiology and Community Interventions. Community Ophthalmology Section, Dr. R.P. Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute for Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 1995
2. Guidelines for District Blindness Control Societies, Ophthalmology Section, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, 1994
1. Methodology for Designing a State/National Programme for Control of Blindness. Limburg H In: Community Ophthalmology: an Indian perspective. P.K. Khosla, New Delhi, 1992
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